Quotes with Notifications!
Hope everyone is having a nice summer so far.
We have launched a brand new feature for our forums! You can now quote posts on the forum to reply directly to someone inside of a thread. And best of all, this feature will send that user a notification that you replied to them!
You can find this new feature in the bottom right hand corner of each post. Simply click the Reply button.
We hope you enjoy this new feature! Tshirtgang staff will be using this to direct answers to users who have questions. Also keep your eye out for a notification (top right) to see if someone replied to you!
Happy selling!
We have launched a brand new feature for our forums! You can now quote posts on the forum to reply directly to someone inside of a thread. And best of all, this feature will send that user a notification that you replied to them!
You can find this new feature in the bottom right hand corner of each post. Simply click the Reply button.
We hope you enjoy this new feature! Tshirtgang staff will be using this to direct answers to users who have questions. Also keep your eye out for a notification (top right) to see if someone replied to you!
Happy selling!
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