Getting Amazon Order Information

07/10/2020 - 11:00

Andrew Lyle

Hi Gang!

We are excited today to announce that our Tshirtgang App for Amazon has been approved!
Amazon sellers can link their account with Tshirtgang, being able to create products directly onto Amazon, with a professional sellers account, approved in Clothing & Accessories.

We are still working on getting PII (personal identifiable information) from Amazon, through their API. Amazon APi is currently only providing information regarding the purchase of the order (product ID, color, size), and partial shipping information (city, state, zipcode, country).

While we are waiting for approval for this, here are three ways of providing buyers information from Amazon:

1) Copying and pasting

  • Click the pencil icon of the order you wish to edit

  • Click the "Open Order on" button

  • Copy and paste the address into Tshirtgang.

2) Upload Via Spreadsheet

This report will update existing orders in your cart and in on-hold status. Orders within your file will also be created, that have not previously been created on, under your account.

3) Tampermonkey

Latest Version: 0.5
Tampermonkey is an extension for all major browsers that allow you to add HTML and JavaScript to existing websites.

Please verify the buyers information is correct before submitting orders

Developer / Project Manager
Support Ticket
Twitter: @phpandrew

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