How-to: Retrieve orders from marketplaces

01/11/2019 - 14:24

Andrew Lyle

We want to cover how to retrieve orders from marketplaces (eBay, Etsy, Shopify, WooCommerce, etc)

** If you require a step-by-step instruction, click the blue "Need help with this page?" button at the top your Shopping Cart! **

Located in your Shopping Cart is a green dropdown menu filled with all of the marketplaces that we offer retrieving from.
If you use multiple marketplaces, or even if you only use one, you can select "All Marketplaces" at the top of the menu.
If you only want to retrieve one marketplace, scroll down and select the marketplace of your choice.
We will now instantly start trying to retrieve all of your orders!

After you have successfully retrieved your orders, your Shopping Cart will reload. You will see all of your orders with an icon beside them, indicating which marketplace they came from

Once you have reviewed your orders, process them and we'll handle the rest!

Here are some helpful settings to have enabled. Navigate to your marketplace settings, located under Integrations > {marketplace} Settings
- Enable "Automatically Grab Orders Periodically", so all of your orders will automatically be placed into your Shopping Cart
- Enable "Automatically Mark Shipped/Feedback" (if available), so your orders will automatically be updated as shipped once Tshirtgang has shipped the order.

Happy Selling!

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