eBay errors while listing

16/04/2012 - 19:33

Andrew Lyle

If members are receiving listing errors while attempting to eBay, there are a few tips to help you figure out what the issue is.

When posting to eBay, if your item is invalid or your Ebay Settings have not been correctly filled in, it will return an error number and a message. Each time you post, eBay verifies your items information before successfully posting it to eBay. If at any time you do receive a returning error, your item will not be listed on eBay.

Some examples include:
10009 - No <Item.Location> Exists Or <Item.Location> Is Specified As An Empty Tag In The Request.
This error means that you are missing the Item Location (located under your Ebay Settings on the right). This field requires a valid U.S. zipcode (if listing on the US site) or a valid Canadian postal code (if listing on the Canadian site).

Simply fill this information out and try your post to eBay again.

37 - Input Data For Tag <Item.ShippingDetails.ShippingServiceOptions[2].ShippingServiceCost> Is Invalid Or Missing. Please Check API Documentation.

If you happen to receive this error message while posting onto eBay, check your shipping prices are correctly filled out under your Ebay Settings. If you have a shipping service selected, be sure to fill in a shipping price for each service.
If sellers wish to disable their express shipping, select "Not Offered" under the dropdown menu.

Developer / Project Manager
Support Ticket
Twitter: @phpandrew
17/04/2012 - 19:09

Dean Joe

Member *
Can not relist or submit list

Posting to eBay

You must first authenticate your eBay account through Tshirtgang. You can authenticate your eBay account under your Account Settings on Tshirtgang.
17/04/2012 - 19:19

Andrew Lyle

What item are you trying to push?

Also noticed two things about your account:
1) Your item location must be a valid U.S. zipcode or a Canadian postal code.
2) You haven't set prices for Ringers.

Developer / Project Manager
Support Ticket
Twitter: @phpandrew
17/04/2012 - 20:22

Dean Joe

Member *
After change up 2. Still has same problem.

It was working in the old system.

Posting to eBay
You must first authenticate your eBay account through Tshirtgang. You can authenticate your eBay account under your Account Settings on Tshirtgang
17/04/2012 - 20:27

Andrew Lyle

Is this under your own personal account or some other account? That error displays when you don't have an authentication token. Your account does. If you tell me what Product ID you're trying to post and under what account, I will try to find test it myself and see if I can reproduce the error.

Please also post what steps you taking to receive this error.


Developer / Project Manager
Support Ticket
Twitter: @phpandrew
17/04/2012 - 22:30

Dean Joe

Member *
I only have one account now.

I wnat to relist 23794, or list 87579.

18/04/2012 - 10:35

Andrew Lyle

Hi Dean,

I managed to track down why the issue was occurring. The issue has been resolved and you should be able to post to eBay again.


Developer / Project Manager
Support Ticket
Twitter: @phpandrew
18/04/2012 - 12:28

Dean Joe

Member *

I can list now.

But retreive has a problem since this morning, it can not get size.


18/04/2012 - 15:56

Andrew Lyle

Hi Dean,

Tell me if you're still having issues with the eBay Retrieve feature.


Developer / Project Manager
Support Ticket
Twitter: @phpandrew
25/04/2012 - 21:07

Easy Life

Member *

I am new here.

Could I have suggestion here?

For new Gang, could you set up ebay basic has two price list choices:

1) size to XL 19.99

2)2XL---5Xl 24.99

Also we can change the prize. It will much more help us to list using your ebay list tools.

25/04/2012 - 21:39

Andrew Lyle


This is already an option, but under eBay pro. Unfortunately, eBay doesn't allow us to post two separate sizes like that.

eBay requires one information to be sent per size, so listing in two sizes like that isn't possible. It's best to have your customers contact you about sizing.

Because new sellers are only allowed to list 10 items (or 10 variations), listing two list options like that would mean you can only list 5 total items.

Great suggestion but unfortunately do to constraints we are unable to do so.

Developer / Project Manager
Support Ticket
Twitter: @phpandrew

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